Tag: worship

Green leaves with Proverbs 16:6 written as an overlay
Sean Nel

How to avoid Evil

Yesterday I was re-reading a passage that is chock-a-block full of wisdom. It is mind-bending in every sentence. I simply do not have enough bible

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Books to Read
Sean Nel

Books to Get: Holy Roar

Holy Roar  by Chris Tomlin and Darren Whitehead “7 Words That Will Change the Way You Worship” These are one of those short little books

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1 Corinthians
Sean Nel

Do you want to provoke God

I am reading 1 Corinthians, again, and was just thinking how awesome it is that God will not allow tests and temptations beyond what you

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Sean Nel

Where are you Focussed?

This year, my friends have astounded and amazed me. Between the bunch, they did numerous short road races and trail races, that culminated in completing

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Sean Nel

When I become discouraged

I have run out of courage… not energy, not willpower, just courage. I have become discouraged.  The dictionary says it’s when you have become deprived

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