Tag: Salvation

Green leaves with Proverbs 16:6 written as an overlay
Sean Nel

How to avoid Evil

Yesterday I was re-reading a passage that is chock-a-block full of wisdom. It is mind-bending in every sentence. I simply do not have enough bible

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Sean Nel

Jesus did it by choice…

Two things really hit me yesterday. Two bible facts that I knew, but never really comprehended. Here is the first: Hypothetical situation: For whatever reason,

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Sean Nel

What is Jesus to me?

I saw a bit of a video where a young lady referred to a word meaning: “Jesus as Saviour but not Jesus as Lord” Off

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Sean Nel

Free to Choose, Free to Sin

When Jesus sets you free, you are free indeed!  Completely free… So free that you can literally choose your own destiny! Think about the the

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