How has your day been?
“They stoned Paul and dragged his body outside the city and left him for dead. When the believers encircled Paul’s body, he miraculously stood up!
“They stoned Paul and dragged his body outside the city and left him for dead. When the believers encircled Paul’s body, he miraculously stood up!
I have been digging into the principles of goals vs journeys. Times of Harvest vs times of Preparations… The dangers of being too goal orientated,
I have sat, staring, too many times in my life. There are many books and videos on the subject, how men have a “nothing box”
…And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as
There is a story, attributed to many different writers and story tellers, about a missionary that went to a distant and isolated tribe. He was
Have you had the blessing of trying to teach a youngster to ride bicycle? Hours of running behind a small child, bent over, back breaking,
I was listening to a sermon yesterday, and the preacher had a sidelong reference to the coffeecup messages we pull from the bible, in the
This weekend I was afforded the opportunity to listen to a testimony that had me in tears. First it was tears of laughter, then tears
I believe we are living in what the world calls “Interesting Times” This has been a challenge for me. Not only do you have to
In Acts 19, we come across the story of 7 exorcists. Its a pretty famous tale about how these 7 men, were casting out a