Tag: purpose

Sean Nel

Living the Good Life

There is a story, attributed to many different writers and story tellers, about a missionary that went to a distant and isolated tribe.  He was

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Sean Nel

Does it Matter?

Have you had the blessing of trying to teach a youngster to ride bicycle? Hours of running behind a small child, bent over, back breaking,

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Sean Nel

Not a ‘New’ Command

I believe we are living in what the world calls “Interesting Times” This has been a challenge for me. Not only do you have to

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Sean Nel

Why disciples?

I often defend the sadducees and the pharisees These were not, by and large, evil men. They honestly wanted to serve God and serve their

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Sean Nel

Did you ask Jesus?

“… Yet, not one of you are asking me where I’m going…” (John 16:5) When things were changing fast for the disciples, and although they

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Sean Nel

But before Lazarus…

I like to highlight little passages in my bible where God has revealed something beautiful to me… Sometimes, I get to a well known passage

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