Tag: personal growth

Sean Nel

God gives Good Gifts

  As I am slowly working my way through Matthew, I come across well known passages. Verses that everyone memorises like Matthew 7:7 “…knock and

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Sean Nel

Pushing through

The other day, a clip from a prayer seminar by Dan Mohler was shared on my feed and it got me thinking… am I praying

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Sean Nel

Why disciples?

I often defend the sadducees and the pharisees These were not, by and large, evil men. They honestly wanted to serve God and serve their

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Sean Nel


I was sitting and drinking coffee yesterday looking at a tree we had to cut back earlier in the year. The branches were lying heavy

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Sean Nel

Why did Jesus cry?

John 11 is the story about a calamity… A tragedy, filled with hopelessness, “if only’s”, doubt, blame and despair… Lazarus died. When Jesus finally arrived,

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