Tag: personal growth

Woman standing in front of a wall looking at a sign reading Faith vs Religion
Sean Nel

Faith vs Religion

This is something that has been on my mind for a while. Defining for myself the state of Religion vs Faith in my life.  I

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Sean Nel

Fighting with Jesus

Peter… Jesus called him “the rock” (but I have wondered if there wasn’t an inside joke about his stubbornness?) Jokes aside, Peter is one of the

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2 Peter
Sean Nel

The Soup of Virtues

How to fall off a staircase: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 5 Step 9 Step 13 Floor….! [Trrrrdish!] 😁 I was reading Peter’s “Ladder

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1 John
Sean Nel

They don’t know what we know

Just like any event, there is the excitement leading up, the adrenaline during and then the inevitable joy or sadness at victory or defeat. Afterwards,

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