Tag: God’s Plans

1 Corinthians
Sean Nel

Plans, plans and more plans!

We serve an awesome God!  “And I will send you the Divine Encourager [Holy Spirit] from the very presence of my Father. He will come

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Sean Nel

Lech Lecha – go to yourself…

I heard an interesting thing from a Hebrew Scholar yesterday…  Genesis chapter 12:  “The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people

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Sean Nel

Who am I… that you would…

  “… But the Roman Officer interjected…” (Matthew 8:8) Matthew recorded this exchange between the Roman Officer and Jesus, and how Jesus was astounded by

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Sean Nel

The destroyer destroyed…

“… The lovers of God will be glad, rejoicing in the Lord. They will be found in his glorious wrap-around presence, singing songs of praise

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