Fences… what are they good for?
I am not good at hints. My wife knows this… I would think God also knows this, seeing that He created me (Psalms 139:16 “You
I am not good at hints. My wife knows this… I would think God also knows this, seeing that He created me (Psalms 139:16 “You
You might have heard the story before. Jesus was hungry and as he left the town of Bethany, he saw a beautiful leafy fig tree
I know vitamins are good for me… I am not sure why… My friends in the medical profession all say I should get more in me,
Peter… Jesus called him “the rock” (but I have wondered if there wasn’t an inside joke about his stubbornness?) Jokes aside, Peter is one of the
“So… There once was the farmer, and he had some seeds…” We all know the story that Jesus told about the farmer sowing seeds in
Paul writes to Timothy and Titus about the overseers of the church and what they are required to do, and how they are supposed to
How to fall off a staircase: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 5 Step 9 Step 13 Floor….! [Trrrrdish!] 😁 I was reading Peter’s “Ladder
“May grace and perfect peace cascade over you as you live in the rich knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.”(2 Peter 1:2 TPT
Yesterday, there was a storm… and my roof leaked. A nuisance, some damage, some unhappiness and time spent… but overall all is still well. The
Clarity of Faith. I have spent the last few days working through so much conflicting theological material. We should do this, be that, not be