Category: Personal

Sean Nel

What is Your Story

Listening to the stories and testimonies from the Exalted Conference this past weekend, I was challenged again about my own testimony.  In a complete flip

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Sean Nel

What is Jesus to me?

I saw a bit of a video where a young lady referred to a word meaning: “Jesus as Saviour but not Jesus as Lord” Off

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Sean Nel

What About Paul?

Paul wrote about half the books in the New Testament and as the son of a Pharisee, extremely well versed in the Old Testament –

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Sean Nel

Upside Down?

I have been sitting with this in my head the whole day…  He said we must sow the seeds… and then, HE does the rest…

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Sean Nel

God, who never lies…

We are living in interesting times. Its been 3 months or so since people started paying attention to the COVID-19 pandemic and the response is

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