Category: Bible Reading

Sean Nel

Face them with Confidence

If you have spent any time with me, you will know the conversation will at some point turn to your calling in Christ. Jeremiah’s conversation

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1 Corinthians
Sean Nel

Walk where it is Solid

There is a beautiful word in the first part of 1st Corinthians: Bebaiosei It is a Greek word which is means: Confirm. Strengthen, Firm, Steady,

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Sean Nel

Jesus did it by choice…

Two things really hit me yesterday. Two bible facts that I knew, but never really comprehended. Here is the first: Hypothetical situation: For whatever reason,

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Sean Nel

God’s love is unending 

Lord… Your ENDLESS LOVE love stretches from one eternity to the other. Unbroken and unrelenting toward those who fear you and those who bow facedown in

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