Category: Bible Reading

Sean Nel

Why so much hate?

I do not like the news and how it is represented, and at risk of getting slammed, I am going to say that I do

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Sean Nel


I was sitting and drinking coffee yesterday looking at a tree we had to cut back earlier in the year. The branches were lying heavy

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Sean Nel

Rescue me!

Psalm 144 is a psalm by David, with the tradition being that it is what he sang as he stood before Goliath. I could never

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Sean Nel

Why did Jesus cry?

John 11 is the story about a calamity… A tragedy, filled with hopelessness, “if only’s”, doubt, blame and despair… Lazarus died. When Jesus finally arrived,

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Sean Nel

But before Lazarus…

I like to highlight little passages in my bible where God has revealed something beautiful to me… Sometimes, I get to a well known passage

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