Category: Bible Reading

Sean Nel

Are you Shakable?

I was reading psalm 125 this morning and it speaks a promise of protection and care around God’s People…  “…Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem,

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Sean Nel

God’s People

Who are God’s People? From my perspective I’d like to think it’s me, and our cell groups, and our coffee groups, and church groups… but

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Sean Nel

Where is God?

I asked God this morning to show me something nice… it’s been a week of challenges, for me and even more so for my friends,

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Sean Nel

Jesus Tricks His Disciples

In Matthew 23, Jesus explains to his disciples why the Pharisees and Sadducees fail at their calling. Setting unattainable goals and religious show that those

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Sean Nel

What kind of love?

“…Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”  Jesus answered him, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all

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Sean Nel

Weeds in your Life

Weeds in your life… Matthew is one of the Bible authors that walked with Jesus and often refers to and connects with passages in the

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Sean Nel

Fear as Wisdom

On a roll in the Old Testament! Luba shared a Bethel sermon with me where pastor Bill Johnson made a very interesting statement… So it’s

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