Category: Bible Reading

Sean Nel

Our Hearts Spill Over

“God, our hearts spill over with praise to you! We overflow with thanks, for your name is the “Near One.” All we want to talk

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Sean Nel

Living the Good Life

There is a story, attributed to many different writers and story tellers, about a missionary that went to a distant and isolated tribe.  He was

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Sean Nel

Does it Matter?

Have you had the blessing of trying to teach a youngster to ride bicycle? Hours of running behind a small child, bent over, back breaking,

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1 Corinthians
Sean Nel

Stirring up dust

Have you noticed… when Paul opens up with his introduction to the Philippians in the very first few verses of the chapter…  Where does he

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Sean Nel

His Wraparound Love

While my head is in the spiritual warfare of Ephesians 6, I came across a most beautiful reference…  The author spoke about the “shield of

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Sean Nel

How is your plate carrier? 

It’s a well known passage, at the end of Paul’s instruction to the Ephesians, but it is preceded by this statement:  “I have saved the

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1 Kings
Sean Nel

Rebuild your Altar!

Pastor Greg Laurie had a beautiful Sermon at Fresh Life and this excerpt is an very good reminder that sometimes thing are not as they

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