Category: Bible Reading

Sean Nel

The Triumph of God’s Love

I really cannot say it more betterrer, than Paul’s ultimate statement of Faith: “So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand

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Sean Nel

The trap of Religious Duty

The thing about having a feeling that you need to carry out some “religious duty” is that it’s a lie based on history and just

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Sean Nel

Amazing Grace…

“I once was lost, but now I’m found… was blind but now I see…” I can’t figure out how this last few weeks happened. Soo

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Sean Nel

Free to Choose, Free to Sin

When Jesus sets you free, you are free indeed!  Completely free… So free that you can literally choose your own destiny! Think about the the

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Sean Nel

Sin, Death, work & calling

“Sin is a dethroned monarch; so you must no longer give it an opportunity to rule over your life, controlling how you live and compelling

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Sean Nel

How has your day been?

“They stoned Paul and dragged his body outside the city and left him for dead. When the believers encircled Paul’s body, he miraculously stood up!

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