How did this happen?
There are a few things I hate as much as this. I live in a household with two teenagers… that should tell you something about
There are a few things I hate as much as this. I live in a household with two teenagers… that should tell you something about
Last night we were watching “the Chosen” with the kids, and in the episode, Roman soldiers compelled Jesus and the disciples to carry their gear
Maybe it is apt for the “month of Love” to bring up this topic? We are having discussions this week about love with family and
Yesterday, there was a storm… and my roof leaked. A nuisance, some damage, some unhappiness and time spent… but overall all is still well. The
I love verses like Psalm 119:114 “…You’re my place of quiet retreat, and your wraparound presence becomes my shield as I wrap myself in your
In Matthew 23, Jesus explains to his disciples why the Pharisees and Sadducees fail at their calling. Setting unattainable goals and religious show that those
“…Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” Jesus answered him, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all
I never quite realised the personality of Peter… He is quick to judge, quick to anger, quick to answer… So his question to Jesus is
Weeds in your life… Matthew is one of the Bible authors that walked with Jesus and often refers to and connects with passages in the
Finish Well what you begun. I was reading Jesus’ words this morning about good and bad fruit and was reminded about a story I heard: