Category: Matthew

Roman Soldier from behind with Matthew 5:41 superimposed on the image
Sean Nel

Go two miles.

Last night we were watching “the Chosen” with the kids, and in the episode, Roman soldiers compelled Jesus and the disciples to carry their gear

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Sean Nel

Jesus Tricks His Disciples

In Matthew 23, Jesus explains to his disciples why the Pharisees and Sadducees fail at their calling. Setting unattainable goals and religious show that those

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Sean Nel

What kind of love?

“…Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”  Jesus answered him, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all

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Sean Nel

Weeds in your Life

Weeds in your life… Matthew is one of the Bible authors that walked with Jesus and often refers to and connects with passages in the

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Sean Nel

Be a snake?

No, not really… well… maybe… We serve an amazing God and is cared for by a good, good Father! Thinking about my calling and purpose,

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