Category: Acts

an empty desk with Acts 4:13 superimposed
Sean Nel

Spending time with Jesus

There is a story about a young man complaining to an older man about his struggles with the Bible (If you know the story, forgive

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Woman standing in front of a wall looking at a sign reading Faith vs Religion
Sean Nel

Faith vs Religion

This is something that has been on my mind for a while. Defining for myself the state of Religion vs Faith in my life.  I

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Sean Nel

Just ordinary men…

Quick backstory… Yesterday in Church, we discussed the Arrest of Peter and John (not for brawling or inciting violence, but for teaching that Jesus Christ

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Sean Nel

What is Jesus to me?

I saw a bit of a video where a young lady referred to a word meaning: “Jesus as Saviour but not Jesus as Lord” Off

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Sean Nel

How has your day been?

“They stoned Paul and dragged his body outside the city and left him for dead. When the believers encircled Paul’s body, he miraculously stood up!

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Sean Nel

Convicted unbeliever?

“…And you will open their eyes to their true condition, so that they may turn from darkness to the Light and from the power of

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