Category: Bible Reading

Picture of a clay cup of a water in a rock in the desert with Revelations 3:15 in the skyline
Sean Nel

Hot or Not

Chapter 3:16 is quite a significant verse in the bible! (Wait… did you leave something out there?) I think in your mind you filled in

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A seascape with dark clouds with the words of Acts 16:30 across the top
Sean Nel

The Python Spirit

I often read a piece of scripture and wonder: “why?” – what was the plan here? Why this way? Take Paul & Silas, on their way

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Sean Nel

When God speaks… 

My heart always races when I find small little truths in the bible. Maybe it is just me, but it blows me away, and it

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Sean Nel

Are we Bold or Arrogant?

I heard an interesting American statistic recently: only 8% of consistent churchgoers in America (visiting a church once a week) reads their bible… at least

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