Books to Get: Replicate
by Robby Gallaty and Chris Swain. “How to Create a Culture of Disciple-Making Right Where
by Robby Gallaty and Chris Swain. “How to Create a Culture of Disciple-Making Right Where
by Brandon Guindon. “Living Out the Eight Principles of Disciple Making” Reading up and working
by Kirk Freeman. “Weaving disciple making into the fabric of your life” I was looking
by Tylor Staton. “An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer” I purchased this
Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl The classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust…
by Michael White, one of the founders of narrative therapy… Maps of Narrative Practice provides
The Lıfe-changıng Impact of Vıktor Frankl’s Logotherapy by Teria Shantall “Delve into the spiritual depths
What is Narrative Therapy? by Alice Morgan “An easy-to-read introduction” This best-selling book provides an
The Complete Guide to Crisis & Trauma Counseling by Norman H Wright. “TWhat to Do
Christian Counseling 3rd Edition by Gary R Collins Ph.D. “The classic counseling handbook for churches,
Lay Counseling, Revised and Updated by Siang-Yang Tan & Eric T Scalise. “Equipping Christians for
Introduction to Psychology and Counseling by Minirth, Frank B., Wichern, Frank B., Meier, Paul D
Counseling and Psychotherapy by Siang-Yang Tan “A Christian Perspective” This substantially revised and updated edition
Integrative Psychotherapy by Mark R McMinn and Clark D. Campbell “Toward a Comprehensive Christian Approach”
Christian Coaching by Gary R Collins “Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality” Gary Collins is
– This book is in Afrikaans – Ockert and Michele were married and went to
I was put on this book by Louis Brittz during the “Lofprysing Slypskool” (Worship School)
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith “How Successful People Become
Holy Roar by Chris Tomlin and Darren Whitehead “7 Words That Will Change the Way
This book caught me by surprise and has really changed my perspective on our mission
Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin “How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win”