We live in a world where information about anything is literally a few swipes and keystrokes away.
Want to know how to bake a cheesecake… no problem!
Does penguins have knees? 🤔
The answer is seconds away.
How many marshmallows can the average teenage boy fit in his mouth? (Seven… except if there are girls present, then 12!)
We have access to all this information, but daily, people ask the question: “Why am I here”?
Every day people stand in front of their mirror and ask “what is my purpose?” … and not even Google knows.
I have previously mentioned that every part of the Word of God shows us a bit of God’s Character. Reading the bible tells us what God is like and similarly, in the Gospels, Jesus models to us, not only what God is like, but what we should be like. Jesus says He does what the Father does, Paul says, he does what Jesus does, and we should do what he does! One showing the next, showing the next, showing the next… do you see a pattern?
In Luke Jesus opens the kimono and shares something profound. He reads from the scroll of Isaiah (ch58) in the synagogue:
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and He has anointed Me to be…”
(Luke 4:18 TPT)
Stop there for a minute… Repeat that to yourself… about yourself:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and He has anointed me to be…?
This is quite an important question to answer for yourself:
What has God anointed me to be?
Why is it important?
Because then life makes sense…
The studies makes sense,
The training makes sense,
The struggles makes sense…
The mountain is climbable
The race is finishable
The journey is endurable
… and life becomes fulfilling
Before my wife and I did Stock Photography, A trip to Cape Town was a 1-day push! Hours and hours behind the wheel, just get there! … Sore backs, sleeping in the car, pushing through because we just wanted to get to the end. But then we started looking at the world with different eyes, and we saw opportunities for beautiful images everywhere! All of a sudden it took us 4 days and multiple detours because we saw opportunity around every turn! It was a joy to drive!
By no means was it easy, and by no means was it just roses and champagne, but there was a driving force… our choices was driven by purpose, not the randomness of just existing.
Understanding your purpose in God, and what you are anointed for, releases you into a freedom that is difficult to explain.
Let’s say you love cooking. It is your happy place. Before, you needed a wooden spoon, you grabbed one from the shelf at the shop, and done. But as your love for cooking grows, you might start thinking about your cooking and entertaining? So your choices are being influenced by the future. The church asks if you can handle the kitchen at the next men’s camp… so now your mindset is on ease of use, ease of cleaning, volumes, etc.
For someone else it would be a grudge, it would be a chore, but you are energised just thinking about it!
(My grandfather used to quote to me: “Find a job you like, and you will never have to work a day in your life!”)
Everything gets better. The chore-jobs become a means to an end. Not a drag. Instead of complaining about peeling potatoes, your mind is thinking about making potato skin chips, or bacon, cheese and potato skins… even the chores inspire you.
To be clear. It DOES NOT mean you are instantly an expert! Or that life gets easier. The life of Jesus (and His disciples) is a clear example… Bad things happen and tough days will be there. The difference is. You live with hope through the storm, the peace that lets you sleep at night, knowing this is not your end because you are not done yet!
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
and He has anointed me to be…?
Stuck on where you think God must be using you?
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
(Matthew 7:7 NIV)
Ask God… Open your eyes with expectation… Then knock…
Just by yourself, Start Praying for Random People… Bless them if you have nothing else. Pray for their family, their day, the work they need to still do, anything … The Holy Spirit will start leading your prayers into unexpected places.
Love your neighbour as yourself… Your purpose is to glorify God and live a life and do things through which God is Glorified, in a way that glorifies God!
As you pray for people, you will start to recognise a pattern. You will feel joy and contentment in situations which you haven’t recognised before. When you actively seek God’s counsel about something, He will never disappoint you!
We are not like the world…
Be blessed and enjoy your time with the Lord!