Just a short thought today…
When you think about friendship… what do you imagine? Your “best friend” in school, for instance? When we were kids and the world was a simpler place?
I am sure there were a few fights and some unhappiness every now and again, but by-and-large, you were part of each other’s lives. Shared things no one else knows about. Laughed together. Cried together.
Can you remember what that was like? We didn’t need to work to be friends… we were just, friends…
So this morning, I was listening about Elisha in 2 Kings: The king of Aram was miffed. Someone was giving away all their secrets, and no matter what they planned, the Israelites knew and were prepared for them. When the king started looking for the “spy”, his people told him no… it’s not them. Elisha the prophet knows everything the king of Aram says, and tells the king of Israel… so they decided to capture Elisha and sort him out good!
Problem… Elisha had a friend. God had his back, and God has an army!
So when the soldier showed up at his doorstep in Dotham with Soldiers, horsemen and chariots, Elisha’s servant was a bit freaked out, but Elisha, just said “chill… we have more”
“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
(2 Kings 6:16 NIV)
Then Elisha did two things. He spoke with God and asked that the servant’s eyes be opened so that he can see the hosts of heaven (and believe) and also that the soldiers be made blind (also, in the end, so that they may believe)
And God did both.
”And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”
(2 Kinghs 6:17 NIV)
This is the trademark life of Elisha…His relationship with God… His friendship with God… its like God just did things for him, as if I was asking my friend to pass the salt, or can I have more coffee… It wasn’t effort… it wasn’t a petition. It was simply a life lived together in each other’s company…
Which made me think of everything I try and do for God. I want Him happy. I don’t want God to be disappointed in me… I don’t want Him angry. I don’t want Him Sad. I am constantly looking for God’s approval when God is looking for a relationship with me.
Didn’t Jesus say:
“…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full…”
(John 10:10 NIV)
Some time ago, I heard a pastor say:
“What is more important to God, the work or the worker?”
“Who we are in Christ is more important than what we do for Christ – Being leads to Doing”
“all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;”
(Isaiah 64:6 NIV)
So as I sit and think… In friendship, I don’t have to ask if I may have a piece of biltong, because a slice will already be in my hands… and… If I ask for more… it’s there.
Is this not also God’s character? Knowing, and providing even before we are asking?
God doesn’t provide because you asked…
God provides because YOU asked.
I am not sure my sentiment comes over without sounding arrogant (and please forgive me if it does). I want to be a friend of Jesus, much more than I want to be a follower of Christ.
I want my life to be shaped by my friendship with Jesus.
I want my actions to be because of my relationship with Jesus.
Be blessed and have an amazing day!