“...always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who
asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have”
(1 Peter 3:15)
I am not sure where I saw this the first time, but I have heard a few different examples of this…
“You have 2-minutes to share on a bus… what do you say?”
“What is the ‘elevator-pitch’ of your testimony in 30-seconds or less?”
I never really knew how to go about this, because my testimony has so many facets, and so much details. I end up honestly not knowing what to say!
This version is one of the most amazing discussion starter testimony creators I have ever come across, probably because it isn’t your life story! It is simply a very straightforward, infinitely adaptable version of
“Once I was Lost, but Now I am Free!”
So, how does it work?
You could prepare a few scenarios for what you are likely to encounter, but I think after the first week or so of use, you will start to testify on the fly… Its really just that simple:
1. Intro
Start with the following sentence:
“There was a time in my life…”
2. Add Sins and Struggles
Very Shortly describe your sin or struggles (no more than Two):
“…when my addiction held me captive, I couldn’t Escape, I felt trapped, drowning…”
3. What Jesus Did
Insert what God for you through Jesus Christ:
“But then I found God’s love, received His forgiveness, and began to follow Him as King.”
4. The Result
Add a sentence that describes your life now:
“Now, I live in total freedom and know I am at peace…”
5. Now Ask
Now pass it over and ask:
“Do you have a story like that?”
If you draw it out,(and you are welcome to do that with the person you are sharing it with as well, it will look something like this:
"There was a time in my life when my addiction held me captive, I couldn't escape, I felt trapped, drowning.
But then I found God’s love, received His forgiveness, and began to follow Him as King.
Now, I live in total freedom and know I am at peace...
Do you have a story liike that?
This question shared something intimate about yourself, giving the person trust. And now you are giving them the chance to share a struggle of their own… and open the door to share about Christ and Salvation!
- You cannot save anybody. It is up to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We are just tools.
- The Holy Spirit can use you if and when you show up!
- Don’t share your life story, you want them to speak… Only pick one or two relevant items to connect with.
You can download a printable example PDF for training teams and small groups here