My 15-second Testimony

15-second testimony example drawing
“...always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have”
(1 Peter 3:15)

I am not sure where I saw this the first time, but I have heard a few different examples of this…

“You have 2-minutes to share on a bus… what do you say?”

“What is the ‘elevator-pitch’ of your testimony in 30-seconds or less?” 

I never really knew how to go about this, because my testimony has so many facets, and so much details. I end up honestly not knowing what to say! 

This version is one of the most amazing discussion starter testimony creators I have ever come across, probably because it isn’t your life story! It is simply a very straightforward, infinitely adaptable version of

“Once I was Lost, but Now I am Free!”

So, how does it work? 

You could prepare a few scenarios for what you are likely to encounter, but I think after the first week or so of use, you will start to testify on the fly… Its really just that simple:

1. Intro

Start with the following sentence:

“There was a time in my life…” 

2. Add Sins and Struggles

Very Shortly describe your sin or struggles (no more than Two):

“…when my addiction held me captive, I couldn’t Escape, I felt trapped, drowning…” 

3. What Jesus Did

Insert what God for you through Jesus Christ:

“But then I found God’s love, received His forgiveness, and began to follow Him as King.” 

4. The Result

Add a sentence that describes your life now:

“Now, I live in total freedom and know I am at peace…” 

5. Now Ask

Now pass it over and ask:

“Do you have a story like that?” 

If you draw it out,(and you are welcome to do that with the person you are sharing it with as well, it will look something like this:

15 Second Testimony- addiction example

"There was a time in my life when my addiction held me captive, I couldn't escape, I felt trapped, drowning.

But then I found God’s love, received His forgiveness, and began to follow Him as King.

Now, I live in total freedom and know I am at peace...

Do you have a story liike that?

This question shared something intimate about yourself, giving the person trust. And now you are giving them the chance to share a struggle of their own… and open the door to share about Christ and Salvation! 


  1. You cannot save anybody. It is up to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We are just tools.
  2. The Holy Spirit can use you if and when you show up!
  3. Don’t share your life story, you want them to speak… Only pick one or two relevant items to connect with.

You can download a printable example PDF for training teams and small groups here

15-second testimony example drawing

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