Contact & Support

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Would you like to Support us?

EFT / Bank Transfer

If you would like to make a once-off donation or support a specific project, please email us with the details, so that we can apply the funds accordingly!


Account: Sean Nel – JourneyFromNothing
Number: 1530248319
Branch Code: 470 010

(As Reference, please include your name and Ministry if the money is to support a project or Personal if it is for our family support)

Recurring Support - Buy us a Coffee!

This is the “buy us a coffee” support. We are looking for people that will spend the equivalent of two or three cups of coffee on us per month. 

Details coming soon!

Other worthwhile reading...

Picture of a clay cup of a water in a rock in the desert with Revelations 3:15 in the skyline

Hot or Not

Chapter 3:16 is quite a significant verse in the bible!