I have heard countless testimonies about how someone has an encounter, and the Holy Spirit presses into their hearts to say something or do something. To ring the doorbell, or shout out loud… To buy a coffee, or to walk a different route home, only to find out (sometimes many years later) that it was for a divine appointment… Saving a life.
Those are great testimonies! They have all the right elements: Doubt, obedience to the call, an unknown but drastic situation, and then culminating in the tremendous joy of salvation (sometimes with a crazy plot twist!)
It’s the stuff of Hallmark Channel movies!
Oddly, I didn’t think God would apply Luke 14 to this kind of testimony.
”In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.”
(Luke 14:33 NIV)
As I was reading this, the Holy Spirit flashed instances in front of my eyes, where He expected me to give up everything, and just go out on a limb and do.
SHEMA The Hebrew word for “Hear” also means “Do” – So we hear the Spirit, but don’t want to do, coming up with excuses as to why not to act…
“But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’”
(Luke 14:18 NIV)
The Spirit spoke into my heart today and said it is time to give up your shyness, It is time to give up your haste. That feeling of being incapable… give it up.
When the Spirit speaks to your heart today, it is because you are the right person, in the right place at the right time, and every skill you need, and every word you need, is already in place.
They say, if you want to wake up early, you have about 4 seconds to put your foot on the ground when the alarm goes off, otherwise your brain will convince you that you need to sleep more than you need to stand up.
When you feel or hear the Holy Spirit. Take the first step right away. Respond, even if in the smallest way. Put your foot on the ground, otherwise your excuses will run over you in a stampede of don’ts.
Love your neighbour enough to save them!