by Robby Gallaty and Chris Swain.
“How to Create a Culture of Disciple-Making Right Where You Are”
This book started a bit slow for me, but once you get into the pace of the authors, it starts to make a lot of sense, and learning happens!
If you are interested in discipleship (and every Christian really ought to be… It’s kinda the one thing Jesus asks of us… #justsaying) then Replicate is a book you will find value in.
To be fair, it feels a bit more like a Church growth through discipleship guide, than an evangelistic-orientated manual for making new believers, but in the end, the results tend to be the same.
One of the big take-aways that I really liked is the reference to the the H.E.A.R. Bible Study Method. I don’t know if this is their creation, or if it was simply something they introduced into their “system” but it is simple enough to duplicate, and in-depth enough to have value, with a solid focus on both context and what God is saying to me today.
Chris and Robby likes their acronyms for the different tools they use, which reminds me a bit of the business books I used to read to build effective systems.
This is one of the more realistic books when it comes to potential setbacks and the reality of people’s walk with God!
I can recommend this book.
If you have spent time listening to business or management books by Tony Robbins or James Clear, you will fit into the style of teaching!