A man who always pursues God’s Heart?

a paper with the words of acts 13:22 on it

I have been very blessed to visit the modern city of Ephesus (Efes in Selcuk, Turkey) To then go and walk in the ruins of the “old city” and be swindled by a merchant there…. Just like in Bible Times! 

I think as you walk down the stone highway into the old city you are either disappointed, thinking, “is this it?” Or you become overwhelmed to think this is where the New Testament took place! Somewhere here, a group of devoted believers sat down and listened to a letter from Paul. A young church being encouraged to stand strong and take God’s word to the world! I wish I could be part of that!

(Then you get to the communal toilets and your thoughts are not so holy anymore… and you become really glad that you were not part of that world!)

Paul was teaching in another Turkish city, Antioch, with Barnabas in Acts 13. As was his custom, Paul first went to the Synagogue and taught there. He kept on insisting to honour God’s chosen people first. 

During this teaching, he refers back to David. God raised up David to be king:

”…for God said of him, “I have found in David, son of Jesse, a man who always pursues my heart and will accomplish all that I have destined him to do.”
(Acts 13:22, TPT)

It is one of those sidelong verses that stops you dead in your tracks. Like coming around a thicket, and you walk into a buffalo or elephant. It’s that double-take moment. 

Paul goes on to contrast the religious leaders and their pursuit to discredit Jesus, so he had a definite purpose here. But this morning, just like that day in Ephesus, I am faced with the reality of Paul’s words. Am I aiming to be like David, or like the Religious leaders?

God “found” a man

A man that ”pursues God’s heart”

…and because he pursues God’s heart and not his own, ”he will accomplish what God has set out for him to do.” 

Which leads me to the hard question:

What does God find in me? 

Am I pursuing God’s heart or my own? What will God be able to accomplish through me?

The religious leaders decided what needed to be done by tradition and training while David asked God: “What is Your plan?” 

Train me. 
Prepare me. 

I don’t think God expects me to be perfect (David surely wasn’t!), just obedient and seeking Him first. 

Be a blessing to all those around you today! 

a paper with the words of acts 13:22 on it

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