I cannot accept you as a Christian…

This morning I had to ponder a very difficult question.

In Acts chapter 10, Peter has a vision about food. Essentially All the animals that Jews of the day could not eat for religious reasons, were placed on a sheet and lowered from heaven. 

God instructs Peter to kill and eat, He says no (because it is still against his religion and upbringing) and a voice utters the phrase that we all know:

”…Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”
(Acts 10:15 NIV)

As a South African, not bound by any real religious food laws (except maybe… do not eat chicken sushi… which is more like a guideline in any case) I don’t think I quite grasped the depth of this moment. 

But God was expecting Peter to CHANGE HIS LIFE.  This was huge! 

Well no. Actually NOT huge…

This was just God cracking the egg before removing the whole shell. 

So right after this vision, God Instructs Peter to go with men to Caesarea to a Roman Captain called Cornelius and share the gospel with him and his household. 

Visiting this household was another taboo for a Jewish man, another thing Peter had to overcome, but then God puts his ultimate stamp on the proceedings and pours out the Holy Spirit on every person there. 

“While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message….”
(Acts 10:44 NIV)

I am sure the voice ringing in his ears was from the vision a few days prior: Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.

Peter went on to baptise the family and household, and that started a whole different issue for the apostles and Jewish believers…

“Peter said, “Now I know for certain that God doesn’t show favoritism with people but treats everyone on the same basis. It makes no difference what race of people one belongs to. If they show deep reverence for God, and are committed to doing what’s right, they are acceptable before him.
(Acts 10:34-35 TPT)

Which brings up a rather distressing question:  

Which sins can I not forgive?

Losing a house because of someone’s greed or fraud?

Losing a child to drugs… could I welcome that dealer at church?

I might be able to forgive the driver of a car that killed my spouse in an accident one night, but what about the guy who stabbed her for a wallet? 

A Murderer? A Rapist…? A Child Rapist?

How many circles away from my immediate family does the crime need to happen for me to be able to forgive the person who transgressed, and accept them in my church?

“The voice said to him again, a second time, *“What God has made clean, you must not call profane.”(Acts 10:15 NRS)

I have to be honest and say that I struggle with this question. And although I have heard some amazing testimonies and mind-blowing stories. But I beg God not to test me in this way.

…and then… I have this nagging thought in the back of my head: 

Which of my sins that God has forgiven me for… can I not forgive myself for? 

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