What would be the best thing to pursue? 

What would be the best thing to pursue? 

I read about the assassination attempt of President Donald Trump this past weekend. 

There is so much speculation and finger-pointing, and hurled accusations, I wonder if we will ever know the truth… But regardless of a person’s position on politics in the United States, I couldn’t believe how many people felt is acceptable to make comments with a sentiment wishing the shooter didn’t miss?! How much anger do you have to carry inside of yourself? How do you respond? 

Or on a much lesser note, when I post a Christian sentiment or bible verse, the atheists come out of the woodwork to attack the post, my views, or the validity of Christ and/or Christianity. Some days, it is really, really difficult to maintain a sense of calm.

These are the times to lean on the ability Paul referred to as “superior” to all the spiritual gifts and even the offices of apostles, prophets and teachers: Love.


But how do you speak “in love” when you actually want to rip off someone’s thumbs for writing things they really shouldn’t on Social Media? Worse… You can still write and delete your first response, but what if it happens face-to-face? At that birthday braai or school social? 

Love is not a gift, or a feeling or even an ability. Love is a choice, it’s an act of your will.

”If… I didn’t express myself with love, my words would be reduced to the hollow sound of nothing more than a clanging cymbal”
(1 Corinthians 13:1 TPT)

Paul goes on to explain a lot about love, what it is, what it isn’t, what it does and what it doesn’t do, but there is a profound truth hidden in the last two verses of the chapter. 

Paul says that even if nothing makes sense, and our understanding is incomplete of what is happening before us, three things remain solidly true.




If we have nothing else, we can walk into any situation with those three, we will be fine. But even if we have started to lose Hope, and our Faith is really small but we can still apply Love… we can walk away with a win!

Consider what Paul is saying over 3 or four chapters… No matter who you are, no matter your status in life, no matter what the situation or your gifts and talents… if you haven’t mastered loving your neighbour, much of the rest is… worthless?

How much value does “being right” in the argument actually carry when ”Love is a safe place of shelter”? (1 Cor 13:7)

Do we not constantly hear the testimonies where the actions taken by individuals changed the atmosphere, much more than the argument presented?  

”So above all else, let LOVE be the beautiful prize for which you run!”
(1 Corinthians 13:13 TPT)

Be blessed on this day!

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