How did your work-life change when you found Jesus? 

Since a great price was paid for your redemption, stop having the mind-set of a slave. 1 Corinthians 7:23
”Since a great price was paid for your redemption, stop having the mind-set of a slave.
(1 Corinthians 7:23 TPT)

I was playing this back in my head over and over this morning. 

Stop having the mindset of a slave. You were bought at a price, a great price 

Paul touches a few times on our calling in these first few chapters of First Corinthians, and in fact, the very section of this part of the letter starts off with:

Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them.”
(1 Corinthians 7:17)

So I have been thinking… (dangerous, I know!) … In my workplace, am I still a “slave” to my job? OR have I turned it around and started to infuse God into my space? Have I mastered this position of service to God? Am I Ploughing my Missions Field. Planting seed and cultivating? 

Is the place where I work, the altar where I lay down my time, skills and life, or have I been able to put my work, and the people I work with onto God’s Altar, and bring it and them to HIM? 

A few pages back, Paul says (about Sexual Morality): 

“The body was not created for illicit sex, but to serve and worship our Lord Jesus, who can fill the body with Himself.”
(1 Corinthians 6:13)

The same rings true for my work context: I can and should serve God through my work. Working as if I am doing it for God (Ecclesiastes 9:10), Avedah – Work as Worship. Enter the gates (of my workspace) with thanksgiving, ready to serve and be Christ to every person that touches my bubble. 

This body was not created to be a slave to the world, *but to serve and worship our Lord Jesus*, who can fill the workplace with Himself.

If I work in a church, I may be serving struggling believers, but if I work in an office, I may have the opportunity to serve struggling unbelievers. To be a voice of reason, a beacon of hope and a shoulder to lean on. Be what the Holy Spirit is to me, for them, until such a time as they find God themselves. 

As you arrive at work today, really look at your space, your work-bench, your office, your counter. Look with God’s eyes, and ask Him to show you what He sees, How your work can touch someone, and who you can encourage today. 

Since a great price was paid for your redemption, stop having the mind-set of a slave. 1 Corinthians 7:23

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