First-time obedience?

Do you hear God? 

Do you want to hear God? 

I was contemplating this verse in 1 John:

“True love for God means obeying his commands, and his commands don’t weigh us down as heavy burdens…”
(1 John 5:3)

For some reason, I realised this morning, that I seem to think only the bible contains Commands… anything else God tells me is more like the Pirate Code… more suggestions than actual commands and rules, per sé…

And I can’t think why… 

If I tell my children to switch off the TV, and go do their homework, I expect them to do that. right away. Sure, sometimes I need to say it two or three times, because the first time I was in the kitchen and they didn’t hear me. 

The second time, I got a, “just now” or “I just want to finish this episode” to which I often capitulate… But somewhere, the love of my life comes in and informs the children that they are overstepping a boundary and it would be good for them to listen… like… right now…

They got distracted by the world and the things of the world, that they wanted it more than to please me. And I, in turn, gave them instructions that is for their good and development, not punishment, or because I want them to suffer… quite the contrary, I want them to thrive and flourish! 

Just so it is then that I came to wonder why I take some of God’s commands as suggestions? When God directs me, and I second guess it. When God says: Speak to this man, and I decide, that someone else is better suited… or some other weak excuse. 

How will I live my purpose if I am afraid of the world? 

“You see, every child of God overcomes the world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world. So who are the world conquerors, defeating its power? Those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God…
(1 John 5:4-5, TPT)

Be blessed. Change the world for someone today.
(Obey the first time!)

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