Don’t trust every spirit…

South Africans are practical. Men especially love clipboards and to-do lists. Let’s get it done. Let’s not overcomplicate it… break it down, simplify it, and then do it.

So I was pondering the words: “It’s not biblical”

Paul says:

“But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,…”
(Phillipians 1:18 NIV)

So I was simply running through various situations we have come across in the church over the last few decades, and trying to find a simple “test” with which to dispatch the issue and keep going. 

The range was wide, from whether women should be allowed to go to church without a head covering, to allowing piano in church… then guitars, and then… drums?! Other dress code issues came to mind, but also spiritual questions. Speaking in tongues, prophecy in services… healing and movements of the Spirit… May women be teachers? Must the communion wine be pure or blended? May we use grape juice instead of wine for communion?  The list just kept on growing, and growing and growing.

I came to two conclusions, the first being the Pharisee trap: We are passionate and really just want to do what is “right” (ok, and maybe what is comfortable… sometimes…🙂)

On the face of it, it may seem that John disagrees with Paul when he says in 1 John 4:1 ”don’t trust every spirit, but carefully examine what they say to determine if they are of God, because many false prophets have mingled into the world.”(TPT)

John says Test the spirits. Test the  Message. Test the Prophets… Paul says: As long as they teach Christ, their motives can be whatever… But then in the next verse, John also brings in the test. 

“Here’s the test for those with the genuine Spirit of God: they will confess Jesus as the Christ who has come in the flesh.”
(1 John 4:2)

They will confess Jesus. In other words: They will teach what Jesus taught. They should have the same heart Jesus had… no? So I was wondering what would be the simple road here? the practical road? The simplified path?

When asked, Jesus claimed the greatest commandment that encapsulates all the law and prophets (all the Jewish scriptures) was Love God, and Love your neighbour as yourself. Broken down… Simplified.

So… before you and I discuss the biblical veracity of whether hats should be worn in church, let us go and fix the widow’s roof together. before we worry about the guitar in the church service, let us cook a meal together for those who have none today. 

And before we worry about the moves of the Spirit in your church vs mine… Let us go be a family for the orphans.

“For communion, I really believe a Bordeaux is closer to the wine of Bible times than a Pinotage…” might just become “Grab that crate and help me carry this food into the refugee centre”

“The healing service at church is not according to Acts and how Jesus intended” might just become “Let us go support, pray and talk with the people sitting in the ICU and ER waiting room down at the hospital”

I think our theologically dogmatic discussions might look different next week.

Let’s be a blessing to someone this week! 

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