Did you also misunderstand Communion?

I was skimming over 1 Corinthians 11 this morning. Women’s hair and communion matters. It seems like the “housekeeping” part of the letter. On a point of order, just some admin to finish off. 

Essentially, it is Paul saying: “Behave yourself” 

But as I came to the end of the chapter, ready to get into the juicy stuff (Spiritual Gifts! woohoo!) I felt God saying to me:

“You missed it…”

So I went back a few paragraphs, reread, and came to verse 31 about being judged because you judge others… Aah! got it! Check your attitude at the door. Thanks for the reminder! Next up: Spiritual Gifts!  

“No… You missed it…”

Oh… ok… I go back again. Ah! verse 28: Check your attitude before taking communion… It is a serious thing, after all. Gotcha! 

“Closer, but…No…”

Sheesh… ok… Switch off the worship music in the background, move the coffee cup away, and focus. 

1 Corinthians 11:30
“That is why many of you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep [died]”

Ok. Question: Why would people die because of Communion? 

Reread the passage.

1 Corinthians 11:26
”…Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are retelling the story, proclaiming our Lord’s death until He comes”

So I take the hint and I am retelling Paul’s words to myself. Restating the events into a modern-day thing. Every Friday morning, I sit with my fellow believers and am blessed with amazing coffee and breakfast as we sit around the table and give testimony about our lives, our struggles and the amazing things God has done for us. 

Then we encourage each other from the word, and from our testimonies, telling what God has done for us, ending up with prayer for each other and the week to come, etc, etc.

Is this not perhaps very similar to what Jesus has done, time and again with his disciples? Well, until the last time, that is…

The bread, the wine… I almost want to say, it was not important, it was what was on the table. (Jesus frequently used what was in front of him or around him) And I think Paul also deems this as unimportant because the first part of the section seems to show more of a dinner than each sitting with a small cup and a piece of bread…

The Key is in v26: The Retelling of the Story… 

The reason Paul says some of the congregation is sick, or weak and dying or already dead, is not because of doing communion wrong, but because they do not yet understand what Jesus has done for them…

They have not fully accepted that Jesus Christ is the Saviour!

Whether you read verse 26 as actual physical ailments (They have not been healed) or spiritual issues (they are dead and lost to heaven) doesn’t really matter. Both work…

When Paul recounts Jesus’s words in verse 23 & 24, he asks us to remember. He asks us to think. Do you, Sean, realise what Jesus did for you? Are you fully and completely accepting EVERY PART of what that entails? Physical and spiritual healing, as well as full and complete salvation? An heir of heaven? A purpose on earth. A calling?

Communion is not about sharing bread and wine, coke and a sandwich, water and an apple…

Communion is about remembering… 

Communion is about recommitting…

Communion is about testifying…

Communion is about surrendering to God’s love for me and you. 

Every meal an opportunity. Every meal a moment to testify. Every Meal the chance to pick up and help carry a burden. 

I think I got it. 

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