Nothing will turn me away… will it?


Nothing ruins a tire  (and a day) like a good pothole. I realised that I am passive-aggressively marking all the potholes on my WAZE GPS… only to find them again tomorrow, unmarked! 

It’s amazing that something that essentially doesn’t exist, that is not there (in this case, a hole where road is supposed to be) can ruin a perfectly good day or week when everything else went great?! 

And then tomorrow at work… will you tell people about your kids amazing exam results? Or the fantastic meal your partner whipped up? Or your lemon tree, bearing fruit? Or the, or the, or the… or anyone of fifty amazing things that happened to you…? 

Nope… the pothole. One thing. and then it goes downhill from there…

How is it that we allow this? So easily? 

This passage convicted me this morning:

“My love for you has my heart on fire!
My passion consumes me for your house! 
Nothing will turn me away…”
(Psalm 69:9 TPT)

… except a pothole? 

Out of respect, I have allowed an individual to steal my joy, to make many potholes in my road, to slow me down… and worse, steal my time. Time with my family, and time away from my Lord and Saviour, because instead… I’ve started to try and fill potholes.

Time to drive around the pothole and not be turned away by distractions. 

Thank you Lord for your soft & tender teaching!

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