I go where You go…

What a year?! Hey? 

I don’t think I have met any person this year that wasn’t chasing. That wasn’t trying to ”catch up” or make up or recover or build the dam… 

And as much as I was trying to hold back and reign in, I realised that I also started getting anxious…

I think this is why God put worship and spending time in God’s presence so heavily on my heart this year… not because of what has passed, but in preparation for what is coming… 

We were standing in front of the Red Sea. An impossible army behind, a sea of water in front, and… 

”You roared over the waters of the Red Sea, making a dry path for your people to cross through…”
(Psalm 106:9)

But then we ended in the wilderness, and day by day You fed us, even when we tried to gather up more mana than we needed, it just withered. Yet day by day, You led us, a cloud or fire, You led. 

Now I believe we are standing back at the water’s edge with Joshua and Caleb. About to enter the time of Growth, Expansion, Overcoming those things that stand in our way, Victoriously standing on the rubble of the Giants that tried to stand in our way. 

Regardless of what the world shows us, screams at us, cries about, has mental breakdowns about, fights about, or opposes us for… 

Our God will let us Overcome.
His tender love for us continues on forever!

Our God will let us Achieve the impossible.
His tender love for us continues on forever!

Our God will be our Strength
His tender love for us continues on forever!

Our God will be our Shield
His tender love for us continues on forever!

Our God will be our Sustainer
His tender love for us continues on forever!

2023… we are going to war…

Sharpen your swords, men of God. Put new shoelaces in your boots. Strap leather to your arms and make sure your shield is strong. 

We will also be Shammah, we will also be Josheb-Basshebeth, and we will be Eleazar so that others will need to pull our fingers loose from the sword at the end of the day.

“He split open the Red Sea for them!

And led his people right through the middle! 

He vanquished Pharaoh’s armies, drowning them all! 

He led his people through the wilderness! 

He’s the one who smashed mighty kingdoms! 

He triumphed over powerful kings who stood in his way! 
His tender love for us continues on forever!”
(Psalms 136:1318 TPT)

Please take the time to read Psalm 136 as a whole as a moment of Reflection & Prayer… Remember what God has done and Believe what He will do again!

Happy New Year! Blessing on your House, Family and Business!

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