Lech Lecha – go to yourself…

I heard an interesting thing from a Hebrew Scholar yesterday… 

Genesis chapter 12: 

“The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”
(Genesis 12:1 NIV) 

The part he was discussing is the Hebrew for “go” ( לְךָ֛ – lech)  and as used in the text “lech lecha” ( לֶךְ־לְךָ֛ ) – translated as leave your country or go forth etc, etc… 

But if you break lech-lecha apart, it literally translates to “go, to you” or “go to yourself 

Now, technically the translation will be challenged by every translator worth their salt but it does contain a beautiful little gem if you are willing to bend the rules a little.

Imagine the play on words… go to yourself

God said to Abraham to Go, to leave his country, to leave his place in the world… but the words used is:

Go to yourself, your place is not here anymore… I have made a space for you elsewhere. 

You will not be comfortable here anymore, you will not feel settled here anymore, this will not feel like home anymore… because I have moved “you

Leave the old and go to the places I prepared for you, to where “you” are supposed to be now, and find yourself there. 

Go… to yourself.

Whether space, time or abilities… isn’t that exactly what a calling feels like?! 

I need you to build houses for refugees… But I don’t know a hammer from a spade?! So go to the place where these skills and abilities have become part of you… and you are comfortable. I have prepared the way, go to yourself

I need you to build a farm to feed the people. But I know nothing of agriculture?! So go to the place where it is your second nature, where it feels right to have your fingers in the ground and where little seedlings give you joy… I have prepared the way, go to yourself

All through the Bible we see this repeat… 

Moses (I can’t speak), Gideon (I am afraid), the woman at the well (I am sinful and covered in shame), the lame man next to the pool of Bethesda (I can’t walk), Lazarus (I am dead inside) – this is not your place anymore, leave it here…

I have prepared the way, go to yourself

Abraham didn’t know all the details or where he will end up, just like I feel there are many more people that already have that job or that can do it so much better. Abraham was just told to start the journey… not where, how or why… 

Sean, I need you to lead people to real and true worship. But I can’t sing and I don’t get emotional and I never know what to say. It is not about karaoke… I will teach you how to cry, your heart will learn how to feel, and I love your voice… start the journey… I have prepared the way, go to yourself

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