Impossible not to worship!? At all?

Louie Giglio (and the Apostle Paul) makes a good point…

It is not whether you worship God, or even IF you believe in worshipping God… but rather that it is impossible not to worship… something.

In Colossians, Paul writes: “For through the Son everything was created, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen.” (Colossians 1:16, TPT)

Can we consider for a moment the implications?

It end of verse 17, Paul says: “… it all exists through Him and for His purpose!”

Earlier in the passage, we find the prayer:

“…We pray that you would walk in the ways of true righteousness, pleasing God in every good thing you do. Then you’ll become fruit-bearing branches, yielding to his life, and maturing in the rich experience of knowing God in his fullness!…”
(Colossians 1:10, TPT)

Worship the Son, who created you for His purposes, so that you life can bear good fruit, and you can learn to know God the Father in fullness!

Real World application:

God created us as “worshippers”. It is impossible for us not to worship something… It is baked into our nature and inescapable. It is in our nature to recognise talent, skill and ability. It makes us capable of looking up at a sports star as children and strive to become better. An apprentice would sit with a teacher, and soak up every skill and teaching and bit of wisdom available. Children look up to their parents… 

To worship is as a part of our design as breathing is. It is needed and required. 

But I have come to realise there is a line of progression: 

Where you spend your best hours, is often what you worship, and what you worship, is where you build your altars, offering up time, money & effort… because behind that altar of offering is a throne… and that throne, may or may not belong to God the Father, Ruler of the Heavens and Earth. 

There is place for only one God. Is He the one I am worshipping today?

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