Goals, Roads, Paths and Projects…

I have been digging into the principles of goals vs journeys. Times of Harvest vs times of Preparations… The dangers of being too goal orientated, versus being so stuck on the preparation for the journey that you never reach what God intended for you…

I envy those that can boldly walk with God and say: “This is what I was called to do”… and then do it. But I also believe that not one of those great saints have not asked God at least once (and probably many times…) “…is this where I am supposed to be? Am I going the right way?”

When I was younger, it felt easier. I could hitch a ride, sleep on a borrowed couch, live on two-minute noodles and three day old pizza and feel its normal. Now life looks different… 

But through reading, asking and praying, this is what I have come to realise:

1. Goals are not “goals” – They are direction markers. 

For some reason we have started believing that reaching a goal is the reward while it really is just a waypoint on a journey. David slayed Goliath… But that was just a waypoint on his journey. The death of Goliath was caused a great victory on that day, but more importantly, it made Goliath’s sword available to David a few years later. 

The world says: “If you only reach this or that goal, then you will be happy” but God says… Once you have reached that point, I will show you where we are going to next!  

2. Preparation is critical, but it looks different every day… 

The battle with Goliath was preparation for David’s future. The preparation for the battle itself was  from two viewpoints. The world (he’s gonna die): Let us put as much armour on the boy as we can. Load him down with armour, weapons and maybe a sandwich for the road… he is not ready, he is not ready, he is never ready enough and will never be ready enough… ok… send him, let’s hope for the best. 

God’s preparation was different… because God was preparing David for the start of a journey, not a battle. Yes, David had to select 5 stones from the river, but I believe that he could have selected any of 1,000 pebbles and they all would have worked. Walk with me, David. I will build your skills and armour as we go. 

3. Walking with God…

What would you rather be doing… walk with God the whole day? or be on a journey towards a place where you can meet up with God? 

Reading the Old Testament, you get a good idea of David’s path through the world… but reading through Psalms, you actually get a glimpse of David’s mind as he was traveling through this life. His fears, his gratitude, his love, his anger… his doubts (yes, he had many)

But I believe God called him a “man after His own heart” because of the relationship. They traveled the road together. In a moment of wisdom, David shared the secret:

[if you] Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life, [the thing you want the most]
[then] He will provide for you what you desire most. 

“…Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes. Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell be secure, feasting on His faithfulness”

”Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life, and He will provide for you what you desire most.”

”Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!”

(Psalm 37:4-5, TPT) 

David sings to us: Keep trusting the Lord, feasting on His Faithfulness.

God is Good!

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