Missed your calling? maybe not…

…And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so…
Genesis 1:14-15

NASA had some fun recently while causing a collective gasp the world over. The James Web Space Telescope came online and the first images were made public, and frankly, it was spectacular, literally the stuff of dreams and science fiction writers everywhere. 

The previous images of the deepest part of space completely misjudged how much more is out there. Single stars where we have mathematically calculated that should be two stars, have been confirmed as we can actually now see the two stars. The makeup of exoplanet atmospheres and the star breeding grounds are now possible. 

The science community is on the edge of their seats, thinking about all the new and exciting discoveries… 

Interesting to see comments popping up about how we, as humans, can still hold on to our petty religions when the vastness of space is the competing and overwhelming evidence! 

I look at this display of grandeur and think… how awesome is my God!?

With a word, God created all this?! The sheer power to just put this in motion?!

“so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11 

Just think about it… really think!!

Think back to words that God have given you… are they fully fulfilled? 

Think about your calling, Do you sometimes doubt, or feel powerless? 

God could have just put a few stars in the sky and that would have been enough to entertain man for a hundred thousand years, but no. With as much joy as he had in creating the flowers in the fields, the dancing birds of paradise, the giraffe and the platypus, God went and created mysteries and oddities and mathematical challenges in glorious over-abundance!

What is still waiting to be discovered in your life? Things put in place years and years ago for you to experience, take hold of and take authority over? 

How many resources are actually available for you? 

Now think… What can God provide AND on what level of abundance… if we only ask, and ask with an expectation of provision to complete the good work God has started? 

God is waiting. Our Father is on the edge of his seat. The angels are looking on in hushed silence… make the commitment, call on the power of God’s word. It doesn’t matter if it’s been two years, five years or 25 years. Do it today! Ask like my daughter asks for marshmallows to toast on the fire, with the full trust and knowledge, that she will get it. Maybe not today, but her future will be sweet and sticky!

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