Be a snake?

No, not really… well… maybe…

We serve an amazing God and is cared for by a good, good Father!

Thinking about my calling and purpose, especially in this time, I believe that the words Christ spoke to His disciples when he sent them out into the world is also my mandate:

“…Now, remember, it is I who sends you out, even though you feel vulnerable as lambs going into a pack of wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes yet as harmless as doves.”
(Matthew 10:16)

I got stuck on this verse… There is really no concept in my mind where I can relate a snake to my walk with God, but it felt like I need to dwell here until I understand it. 

A snake… 

Firstly, it helps when you stop thinking of a snake as evil. A snake is just another created being on this planet. But for the most part a snake is shrewd – It doesn’t just attack (unless, maybe if it has anger issues like a black mamba) It also doesn’t plan to attack what it can’t kill. Snake “Attacks”, is often defensive. They stalk, they plan, they create an angle. They put themselves into a position to be successful. 

So why would Jesus use the visual of a snake… snakes in His time were generally death. No anti-venom, no natural remedies to heal. 

Maybe it was for the shock value. Pay attention to what I am telling you to be: Shrewd

Time for some Practical Theology… 😉

Jesus is telling His disciples to plan, to be prepared, to think, to have good judgement, to be sharp in your observations… To be phronimos the greek word for cunning, but also translated as “wise” 

but… it doesn’t stop there.

He also says to be as “harmless as doves”

So, as a Follower of Christ, your plans need to be wise, need to be effective, need to be well thought through, but do no harm – Your solutions must be pure and without reproach. It must bring honour to the Kingdom. Even if you think your are going in as lambs between the wolves.

Mind Blown!

A few days ago, Christo shared Proverbs 24:5-6
“…Surely you need guidance to wage war, and victory is won through many advisers…”

The whole book of Proverbs is about being wise, about how to handle yourself wisely, how to plan, how to ask for direction, how to gain wisdom… All of it anchored by Proverbs 16:9

”Within your heart you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there…”

”In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

Planning and preparing doesn’t remove God out of your life, it doesn’t say your planning is of no consequence, God will do whatever He wants to do. It says, Being shrewd as a snake and innocent as a dove allows God to guide your steps and establish your solid footing to an outcome the builds His Kingdom and restores His relationships. 

Be wise, be diligent, be prepared, be observant, judge well and be honourable, so that God can be your anchor in every plan. So that you can be successful and be a blessing to others, just Like God promised to bless Abraham. 

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