Have you been Called… and Called again?

I never realised this… but Peter was called twice…with the same Miracle…?!

Right at the end of the book of John (chapter 21) Peter tells the Disciples one day: “I’m going fishing…”

Now… I am not sure why he wanted to go fishing because it didn’t seem like there was a specific need (mouths to feed or taxes to pay) It feels like he just simply had a need to go out, be on the water, and maybe get away for a bit, and have a think… get refreshed…  Who knows? Maybe they started running out of money and resources and Peter went back to what he knows? The bible doesn’t say, but regardless, a few other disciples decided to join him and off they went. 

Now they were fishing through the night, and caught… nothing. 

(Starting to sound familiar?)


Heading back to shore, there is a man on the beach as they come in asking if they caught anything? They replied no and then this Guy tells them to throw the nets out on the other side. Talk about coaching from the sidelines! But they did and boom! Too many fish to lift out of the water! Now… it’s at this point that realisation dawns on John and Peter that this is Deja Vu all over again! 

And at this point, we head into the famous passage where Jesus redeems Peter three times: 

Peter do you love me? Then take care of My lambs.
Peter do you love me? Then take care of My sheep

Peter do you love me? Then feed My lambs

“Peter, Follow Me!”
(John 21:19)

But before we get there, my eye caught something gentle and beautiful. Jesus was waiting on the beach with breakfast on a fire! He knew they were working all night, probably busy with “make-work” and not their calling. Probably trying to solve a problem on their own… but he still had refreshment ready for them. NOT a rebuke 

Does this not speak volumes of the character of Jesus, and of our Father God?! 

How gently was that? Remember Peter… I called you for something… Remember? I showed you I will provide… Remember? Well… I still love you, regardless of what happened in between. And I will still provide… See? And I still need you to run the race and fulfil your calling and purpose. I am not letting you go… See?

Let’s get back to that, shall we? 

…but first… let’s eat. 

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