Jesus Prays for me

This morning, I returned to a part in John 17 I read last week. As I opened my bible, it just put an exclamation point on something God has been dealing with in me for a bit now. 

I was very blessed this weekend, to be pulled out of the slowly growing craziness surrounding me. I recognised the signs in the lives of others, but didn’t recognise it in myself. So God intervened… and I got 3 days of silence… and peace! At the end of which God spoke, and showed me some things in my life that Is breaking. 

In hindsight, It was the perfect setup, the perfect teachable moment… and not one person would ever recognise what happened from the outside. My Father did not humiliate me, or punish me, or show my weakness to the world. He took me and spoke to me. With care and with compassion. but so deeply, that I dropped to my knees and repented! 

I have been reliving the various moments in my mind, over and over… and to be honest, thinking that God should just leave me hanging. Which brought me to the John 17:20 and the heading of the section:

“Jesus Prays For You”

Jesus… prays for me… (we know this, Romans 8) but think!

Just like I would pray for my friend to allow Jesus into his family, for my aunt, the HCU nurse that has covid, for my mentor and his wife, that is buckling under the strain of this time, Jesus was busy praying for me, interceding for me with His Father. With the same tears, with the same intensity. And I know its true, because at a moment when He knew he was going into the worst pain and punishment of His life, He still took the time to pray for me, and not for himself…

Jesus prays for me. Constantly. Interceding first me… constantly.

Caring for little old me… Intensely!!

John 17:20-26

*Jesus Prays for You*

“And I ask not only for these disciples,
but also for all those who will one day
believe in me through their message…”

“I have revealed to them who you are
 and I will continue to make you even more real to them
 so that they may experience the same endless love
that you have for me…”

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