Where is my focus? The source or the limitation?

It is good to know that I am in good company…

Let me set the scene:

Jesus has been doing miracles all over the show. He just faced off against the religious leaders and he has been doing so many miracles and healings (like a healing is just a normal thing, not a real miracle… ? ) that a large crowd started following him. By large, we are talking 5,000+

Now the disciples have been with Jesus for a while, front row seats and inner circle. They know exactly what He is capable of, and heard Him speak of even greater things. Jesus speaks, and it is so.

Jesus looks at the multitudes … “So he turned to Philip and said, “Where will we buy enough food to feed all these people?” – John 6:5

But Philip’s head was already focussed on a “bigger” problem – where will we get the money to pay for it?! And I can see where he is coming from, to feed my family costs a bunch, feeding 10 or 20 travelers, thats a chunk of change every day… 5,000? Or more? That is months of work to gather up the resources for 1 meal! So I can see Philip’s logic tripping him up.

Except, we know how the story ends, so for us, we find it ridiculous that Philip’s “logic” didn’t factor in that the Son of God, Creator of All Things, was the one asking the question.

…except… knowing how the story ends… why doesn’t my logic factor it in either?

It is 3am and I am awake because I am thinking where and how will my family of entrepreneurs and small business owners find money in these trying times to take care of our families and pay our staff when our current situation doesn’t allow us to do business?

Can my God, my Savior, Jesus Christ, only do miracles when it goes well?

Luckily, Andrew spoke up… Jesus, we have some resources… laughingly little in fact. I’d say just enough that one of us can eat. What can You do with that?

Andrew had just enough faith to ask, not much more than that… but it was enough that Jesus stood up and started by thanking God for what was provided… and the rest is history.

I have so much right now. I can praise God and Thank God for all the resources at my fingertips. And if I can muster up enough courage to ask in Faith like Andrew, and enough gratitude to give what I have for God to use in someone else’s life.

But there are two things to also remember:

The young boy that gave up the fish and bread. He also ate, and ate enough. He did not go hungry!

And secondly. Jesus instructed the disciples to pick up all the leftovers from the blessing “…so that nothing will be wasted.” When God blesses me… am I a good steward? Or do I waste some of that blessing?

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