Philippians 1:6-9 (what really matters)

Philippians… Paul seems to like them 😉

As gut wrenching as this week started, God put me on Philippians very fast. His message rings like a bell!

It’s beautiful… it’s a statement of fact. This is how it will be. The ride might be bumpy, but we will get there in the end.

Yesterday I spoke to some people, we prayed for business and personal and ministry and purpose, and a very clear message came through… God’s Kingdom and God’s Purpose does not respect human wants and needs.

What really matters?

At first I thought, “oh that’s easy…” But then… 🤔

Does what I am doing now matter to the person in front of me? I might think it’s insignificant, but to them it resembles a mountain moved…

That’s the _fine print_ that Paul asks for: knowledge and insight.


Apparently I am still pretty bad at that part so the message rings true from a few days ago (and connected to verse 11) – Do everything for Christ. Whether it is building a bow or a website or making an invoice or editing a photo.

Your heart must be right. Your “fruit of righteousness” must be carried. Is there judgement towards the person or the action, or is there love?

Who knows what is on the other side. That invoice might be an answer to prayer. That bow might represent a life changed or saved. The way an email was answered or a haircut recognized may save a life.

So I do what matters… and if I don’t know if it will matter, I do it so that God’s Kingdom will be glorified. And when I stumble and fall, I cry a bit in the fetal position… lying on God’s lap… and then He puts me back on my feet and we run again, so that God may be Glorified and Praised and our brothers motivated and uplifted.

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