Trusting God when you don’t understand

Recently I had an opportunity to go and hunt at my favorite farm. I hunt for food and a good animal will fill my freezer for many months with good clean meat for my family. But my freezer has been empty for a few months already so this was a welcome event.

However, as the day approached, the money to pay for the trip and the animals became less and less until it hit zero. I had enough to get there, but not enough Hunt (or eat, for that matter). I would end up going (because I committed to go) and watch others hunt and help and support.

Literally a week before, enough money for a decent sized animal came my way a bit unexpectedly (remember finding that money in a jacket pocket you haven’t worn for a year? The money is yours, but you literally didn’t know you had it… ? Something like that!)

So God provided and I could actually hunt. Happy days!

I am learning about God’s provision very slowly and gently. And God never, never disappoints… I know this, and intellectually I understand but living by Faith is not a simple thing. In any case, onto the hunt.

We arrive at our destination, we check all equipment and zero our bow sights. I shoot a fraction low, but figure it’s because it’s 5am and freezing cold. The sky lightens up and we head out. For the next two days our whole hunting party hunts successfully and animal after animal goes into the freezer…

… except me…

I don’t even see an animal! Never mind get an opportunity to harvest. And honestly, I don’t understand. God made everything work together to get me here, why wouldn’t he provide for me now?!

I pray, I ask, I implore, I beg… nothing

So I, rather dejected, return to camp. I try and keep myself positive but honestly just don’t understand what God is trying to teach me to bring everything together and then not let me hunt…

So as I am sitting in the sun, warming myself up I thank God for the opportunity to be in the bush.

While I am thanking God, I decide that I am here to shoot, so that’s what I will do. If if it’s in camp, and just on a target face, I will shoot and enjoy the time and the process. I will choose Joy. I get my bow, load up an arrow, move back about 30yds and let the arrow fly. Perfect shot… not.

The arrow sits about 15cm low. Bugger… assuming it was me, I take another shot. Same place, 15cm or so low. Now I am concerned. I take care of my gear, and it shoots where I aim. This is all wrong. If I get an opportunity on an animal with my bow, all I would do was to harm it!

I get to work, get everything set back to zero and test the distances.. clean and perfect up to 50yds. Hang my bow, and make a cup of coffee.

Not 3 minutes later, oom Pieter and Boesman arrives with the truck, they found a small herd of Kudu bedded down close to the road. Grab the bow and off we go. Not 8 minutes away from where we are, we get to the spot, they move, we move, they move and the next moment, a young but mature Kudu Cow presents herself slightly quartering to, standing out from the rest. Boesman ranges for me, 35yds, I draw up, adjust (I preset for 40) and aim. She is still quartering to, and looking at me, but in my head I hear “this one is yours” and release the arrow. She doesn’t move until the arrow hits exactly on point. Jumps away and runs in an arc towards the road we just crossed, expiring not 20 steps beyond.

My first Kudu with the bow. Good meat and a fair amount of it for my family for the winter. God Provides.

So I am thinking about how this transpired. Sometimes God brings everything together to bless you, and care for you, but something on your side is wrong. Not seeing animals protected them (and me) from damage. But when my side was clear, God released the blessing He planned for me.

I didn’t understand, but God had a reason and a plan… and a lesson. God provides, and I am blessed, and my family is blessed.


The next morning I receive this message from a friend of mine:

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