Titus 1:10-13 (Correcting bad influences)

Titus 1:10 – For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception…

Paul continues to tackle the problem Titus is struggling with in Crete. People, of the faith, are teaching things that are not true.

This baffled me for the longest time… why would anyone teach or share anything that is not “the gospel truth” as it were?

My conclusion was that either:

1. They want to make the gospel _seem_ more attractive to non believers (in other words: try to convince a believer instead of letting the Holy Spirit Convict a person… bad idea!! ☹️)

2. They do it for some personal gain (physically getting something from it, or mentally being justified that it must be true… the more you say it, the better it sounds to yourself)

The problem is that we make decisions and then we use the Bible to justify our actions instead of first consulting the word of God, praying and then making decisions because we heard God’s voice.

I have been bothered more and more when I hear a teaching from believers that I believe sidesteps the core of the gospel. It really grinds me for days.

I never speak out against it because I always believe that other people hear better from God, they are better followers, better Christians… or have a better understandingly the God’s word.

But the truth is that they really must be taken to task. Not because it “upsets whole households” (which it does!) but because it shifts the focus ever so slightly away from the Gospel and what Christ has done.

Now to figure out:

How to do it in Love…

How to do it in a way that I don’t cause a worse situation?

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